الاثنين، 24 يناير 2011

من إنجازات المثنى

قطار المثنى                                           Reading Train

اقامت مدرسة المثنى يوم الخميس الموافق/ 20 يناير 2011م برنامج قطار المثنى للقراءة وذلك تشجيعاً وتحفيز الطلاب للقراءة.

وقد احتوى البرنامج على العديد من الفقرات بإعداد كلاً من قسمي اللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية.

School Mission

Our school will provide educational services meeting the needs of all students including those with special needs. Our goal is to integrate our students in a safe, appropriate and supportive environment. We will attract and motivate students to prepare them to achieve academic success, practice strong Islamic values, and work within the community to support charity organizations.

School Vission

Students will have the opportunity to gain higher education in a safe school environment enabling them to continually learn and prepare themselves for engaging in a rapidly changing society. Our goal is to preserve the Islamic Faith while providing open communication with all stakeholders and for providing an educational service to our

As long as there is a will, you must find the way to achieve this will that was read - and still is - the base of science and civilization .There is no wonder that the first verse of the Qur'an) read the name of your Lord who created .Of descent of the first order of Allah to His prophet to read? Why did not (Connect), what significance
Or (worship God)? Although the verse) and created the jinn
And mankind except to worship . It is a clear indication that this nation is a nation of reading and science, so  science is the correct way to worship .With the child begins first flight with his participation in all his thoughts .Try to secure the books this crisis, which is building the mind and how to raise a child from an early age to love reading is recommended to start with a young child the book beautiful color and attractive, and then gradually link the child and pay his  attention to the topic of the form .
مادامت هناك إرادة ، فإنك لابد وأن تكتشف السبيل لتحقيق هذه الإرادة بتلك  كانت القراءة- وما تزال- أساس العلم والحضارة فلا عجب أن كانت أول آية من القرآن ﴿اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَق
من نزول أول أمر من الله لرسوله بأن يقرأ؟ ولماذا لم يكن (صلِّ)فما المغزى
أو (اعبد الله)؟ رغم قوله تعالى ﴿وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ
وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُون. إنها إشارة واضحة إلى أن هذه الأمة هي أمة
القراءة و العلم، وأن العلم هو السبيل للعبادة الصحيحة
مع الطفل تبدأ الرحلة الأولى في مشاركته في كل أفكاره
 ومحاولة تأمين الكتب اللازمة التي تبني هذا العقل وعن كيفية تنشئة الطفل منذ الصغر على حب القراءة ينصح أن تبدأ مع الطفل الصغير بالكتاب الجميل، الملون الجذاب ثم بالتدريج نربط الطفل بما هو أرقى ليتحول اهتمامه من الشكل إلى الموضوع .

The aims of reading
       Developing the lingual skills .
       Developing the students’ thinking and their knowledge outcomes .
       Instilling the values and improve the students’ behavior .
       Increase the creativity skill of the students.

What is the reading train ?
It is a train. But unusual one. It is full of books. It will give the chance for the students to practice reading in different times and different places.
It will have some stations in Al mothana school. Sometimes the teachers will put it in the play ground and also it will appear in the break time for the students entertainment .
We have our aim from it we need our students to be stars in the future.
Our Students
       They will borrow the books from the train to read it . Each student will have a brusher . In it students will write their names and the title of the story. Also they will write a short summary about it .
       This is project will support our students and raise their level in the reading program.

We hope to find our students like the rainbow in reading the book.

English coordinator word / Done By English Department Trainer: Dina Shaaban  

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